DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

three o clock


holding a bouquet of lavender in one hand

a camera in the other . taking in the silence

drenched in northern light on a winter afternoon

that whispers spring promise


Joan Elizabeth said...

This is a delightful sequence of shot and I can smell the fragrance of lavender from here.

rjerdee said...

mmmmm, love lavender...makes me think of fields in Provence we once visited.

rachel awes said...

i love the
+ rest
+ promise
i always
find here.

Anonymous said...

That final image and your words are perfectly eloquent :).
Stay inspired!

Leslie said...

may your silences be filled with love and light and beauty, as you fill our spaces with those gifts, through your art.

d smith kaich jones said...

take in the silence. let it be. spring will come.


Becca said...

Lavender...an absolute favorite of mine...beautiful.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

to pause, to see, to sense and let the simplicity into awareness. thank you.

Kanelstrand said...

Lavender, winter, spring promise... indeed the fourth is northern light. There cannot be anything better to add to the quartet.

Your poetic post reminded me of Knut Hamsun and his novel Under the Autumn Star. Awesome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knut_Hamsun

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love lavender bouquets, you reminded me I have one.

beth said...

i adore lavender and i can hear it whispering....i really can :)

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

Oh, I can smell it! So beautiful.

Tracy said...

Sooo LOVELY, Elk... I, too, can almost smell the lavender...mmm... A whisper of spring promise--that I could use, as I think I'm in the winter doldrums now...*sigh*--VERY much looking forward to spring ((HUGS))

Lisa said...

Just Gorgeous. Your words and images.

mrs mediocrity said...

i can smell it from here, and i am listening, listening....

Reena said...

I love how you captured its essence! So much the whispers are floating way over here!

Marcie said...

Nothing more beautiful than simple lavender!

spread your wings said...

these photos are GORgeous. I especially love the bundle photo second from last. i love lavender - the delicate beauty of it, the rich color, and mostly the heavenly scent. so so pretty.

S. Etole said...

These are so perfect in their quietness.

Jewels said...

thanks for picturing that moment.

Renee Howell said...

beautiful series
or as my sisters and I used to call it - grapeple (grape ple). Makes way more sense than purple...

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, I just love the way you see the world, my friend.

urban muser said...

gorgeous. i can smell the lavender!

Anna said...

Hi Elk,
Beautiful images of lavender! They make me yearn for spring..... but ours is a looong way off. I trust yours will be there soon :)
Wishing you a happy week!

Unknown said...

I love these images Elk!! Oh my.
The colours, the lines, the texture.
And the feelings they invoke...

Jennifer Richardson said...

thanks for the
lovely lavender

margie said...

once again, oy.

gkgirl said...

ohhhhhhhh so pretty!

Ella said...

Beautiful and calm it whispers time out

Unknown said...

lavender is a natural healing herb