
an open heart . crisp paper
a breeze ... be it cool or warm
a friend who says call if you need to talk
white linen . weekends . joy of music . a rest
sun on our back . bare branch beauty . wings to fly
a breeze ... be it cool or warm
a friend who says call if you need to talk
white linen . weekends . joy of music . a rest
sun on our back . bare branch beauty . wings to fly
a lovely artist & blog friend Katy interviewed me as part of her ongoing series . I am giving away a string of red birds with a matching card there . have a wonderful weekend . so happy to have you in my space
so true, especially the part about the friend... popping over to read the interview now :)
An open heart, and the kindness of friend... two of the many, many sweet gifts of life. Your red birds have a Valentine feel, Elk ;o) These are such sweet & happy birds. Off to read your interview. Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS)) P.S. I sent you an email, I hope I got the address right. LOL...
elk i am so happy that you had time to do the interview thank you!
Ah, so sweet...heart wings...and a reminder that V-Day is coming :) Red always cheers up a gray January day...thanks for the day brightener.
an open heart...simply divine
Love those cheery red birds and your interview.
Your little red birds are adorable! Hugs to you my friend.
would love these little beauties! thanx for entering me.
So happy to be in your space-another lovely post with such soft, sweet, inspiring words. Mickie :)
at first i read white linen weekends, then discovered that wasn't what you wrote, but then decided i love white linen weekends :)
I wonder which is harder to get - an open heart or an open mind. I am almost sure they are somehow connected :)
Love the simple colors in this..the composition. The reds are so happy and uplifting!
Those birds are looking very valentine-ish.
just this week i took down your birds from christmas before last - the emmatree still holding them. they will go back up when the tree is tended to, prettied up, bulbs replaced.
and now, the interview.
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