DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

wood and white

created at an old wooden table in the stillness of my home

so honored to be chosen to display and sell my work for one evening

at a sleek white table across town in a space that was merry and bright

sounds of the season filled the air . along with friends old & new



Anonymous said...

elaine, there is such a grace and peace about your work...and even more evident when shown together in your craft display. keep bringing your gift into this world - it is pure beauty. xx

Unknown said...

Just incredible .
What sperlygirl said.


and love you.

Leslie said...

you are adorable.

such simple beauty in all you do.

Kanelstrand said...

Oh, Elaine, such a stylish and beautiful display! Your stones and your birds should meet more people! I am very, very inspired by the word-tree! It is amazing! Loving all the photos!

S. Etole said...

Oh, yes. Seeing them in a group like this increases the sense of peace you bring to us.

Kathi said...

simple, calm elegance! an amazing collection

Joan Elizabeth said...

How wonderful I would love to visit your table.

Flora said...

how beautiful Elaine - and such a feeling of calm and grace in your space.

Tracy said...

Your table at the gallery is displayed so serenely, Elk... the hush of your birds & rocks speak so joyfully... Wonderful you had this opportunity, and so happy to see you! I hope many of your rocks & birds went home with happy new owners. :o) ((HUGS))

Missouri Bend Paper Works said...

Moments of zen....peace and stillness. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season, Elaine!

Peggy at theBeadAerie said...

What an amazing - and well deserved - honor! Your work speaks quietly to each person who views it... serene and beautiful. Congrats Elaine!

Anonymous said...

those printed trees are wonderful ~ just like you :)

Jennifer Richardson said...

oh friend,
your work is achingly beautiful.
thanks for sharing:)

Amelia's Soap Co. said...

What beautiful work .... simple elegance and grace!
Congratulations on this honor also.
Janet Amelia

kt40s said...

I love this! Love seeing you and your work, both so radiant this computer screen can't contain the beauty it leapt right out into my room today:)

GailO said...

How wonderful! How I would have loved to be shopping there:) Hope you did well!

Marcie said...

So very sweet to see you and your work all laid out like that. A work of art all unto itself!

Caroline said...

Oh look at you! Your creations are stunning! Hope you had some great sales!

Lisa said...

So very creative. I can see some of your art fitting comfortable in my home. Stunning

Jamie said...

How exciting - your display was stunning in its grace and beauty - just like your art

d smith kaich jones said...

!!!!!!! love, love, love, love, love !!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, hope you did well.

Elizabeth Halt said...

Oh! I wish I could have visited and seen your work in person! (Well, I mean, aside from the one I have hanging in my kitchen. :) There is such a sense of peace and calm that emanates from the collection of things together. I love it.

Jill said...

You sitting at your table of art looks so peaceful and right. I saw your post of the birds from the photographs through the reader but you must be editing as I can't find it here...loved it so very much. May you have a blessed Christmas!