DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

swept away


bristles of the broom stitched . bound . well worn

hold comfort as it sways across the quiet porch

a soothing rhythm of earth . leaves . twigs

piled softly with feelings of the day


rachel awes said...

your post
the clutter
from the
dear. xox

Anonymous said...

Oh i love these words so much x

Anonymous said...

sweet memories
linoleum floors
she swept every day
never owned a vaccuum
but you could eat
off of her floor
because mom had a
well worn broom...
thanks for this post

Bee said...

Not just beautiful but a post that brought out even more poetry from your readers.
I felt it in those few words.

Tracy said...

This is like a song, Elk... love that last line especially, "piled softly with feelings of the day" I feel blessed for having seen this today--thank you, Elk :o) ((HUGS))

Anna said...

Elk, love, love, love, your third image! The almost, but not quite B & W. True art!

S. Etole said...

coming clean in beauty ...

Judy said...

Wonderful series of photos Elk...Whenever I sweep or vacuum my mind wanders to thoughts of the day :)

spread your wings said...

wonderful light and texture.

beth said...

that first photo is stunning !

GailO said...

I love this simple study of a simple subject...It ends up not so simple!

Jennifer @ JenniferDukesLee.com said...

You make me want to sweep the kitchen floor.

And trust me... That's saying a LOT.


Jamie said...

I love it - you have a talent for finding the beauty in things the rest of us overlook.

windrock studio said...

Yes, Elk, you do find such beauty in simple things ... so happy that you share them. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

suzanna said...

what soft beauty such an ordinary action holds! your noticing of this special kind of beauty is so inspiring. i long to notice, friend.

Jewels said...

Love. this. the lines, the words. so true!

Anonymous said...

The timeless broom, lovely in its own way and really can't be replaced in many instances.

Betsy Brock said...

I just swept our porches with my old corn husk broom yesterday! Such a relaxing little chore!

Meri said...

So simple and graphic. Just seeing brooms makes me think of the sound of sweeping.

Joan Elizabeth said...

When I was travelling in Asia I remember the sound of people sweeping paths in the early morning. Your broom reminds me of that ... the peace and rhythm.

Anonymous said...

another deep breath... in... out...

thanks you :)

rebecca said...

swept away in the sacred ordinary.

mrs mediocrity said...

i so love this. love the beauty you find in the simple, everyday things. and i have always loved to sweep.

Becca said...

I will think about this the next time I sweep my patio...you are so right, a soothing sound it is.