DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

shades of green

at the sink I stand . pear and avocado ripen in the window

a bit of my feelings perch on the same sill . intertwined as they often are


moments of happiness and contentment will find you as the day stretches ahead

as well as fleeting disappointments and perhaps a note of sadness

often distinct feelings will remain side by side . in aroma and curves . in shadow and sunshine


Jennifer Richardson said...

Isn't that true.
And beautiful
...each one nourishing
in it's own way.
Love this combination
of textures and greens.
Your camera finds mines
such treasure:)

Tracy said...

Oh, this does strike a chord, Elk... so much of life, black & white, dark and light live side by side... somewhere in between we find the balance. :o) Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))

Leslie said...

so very true. love the light and shadow in photo #3. it looks like a painting...

Judy said...

You have a wonderful gift of expressing things, and as I read them, I'm nodding my head up and down agreeing with it all.

Anonymous said...

i think of ingmar bergman.

he understood contrast


he faced things so we might.

magpie said...

serenity and sensuality

Unknown said...


and what Laure said.

Betsy Brock said...

We do some of our best thinking while we stand at the kitchen sink, don't we? :)

Leslie Avon Miller said...

The moments at the sink are often contemplative, especially with hands in warm soapy water, washing, washing, washing away.


Anonymous said...

i am so glad i found your blog
i love your pictures and words
so meaningful and most days so
appropriate to what i'm doing

june at noon said...

Great pictures, lovely as always.

Char said...

gibran said "joy and sorrow are inseparable. together they come and when one sits alone with you, remember the other is asleep upon your bed." i love how this compares to your photograph. we cannot know the sweet without the bitter...and the bitter cannot become bearable without the sweet.

S. Etole said...

you share so much in such few words ... all gift

Jamie said...

What a beautiful study in contrast and similarities. Beautiful.

Jewels said...

very thought-provoking!

Laura said...

I love the way you see. Side-by-side in life are these things, yes. I pray yours if more filled with the sunshine today.

One of your little birds is making an appearance at my place today. Susan reminded me that I should come over here and gather your address so others can come see your lovely work.


Country Girl said...

They look like the Odd Couple to me. I mean no disrespect. And I hope the contentment and happiness far outshine the sadness.

Marcie said...

Lovely!! Beautiful words..beautiful and evocative still life images!

forgetmenot said...

Wow, that was a lot to take in. Such a nice commentary on feelings (put in such a lovely way), and so full of wisdowm and truth. Very nice. Mickie

Jenn said...


Anonymous said...

I would love to be able to come up with the beautiful words you do. The photos, again, fit perfectly and are beautiful.

Anna said...

Yes, life is always that mixture of opposing feelings, textures, colors, experiences..... The last shot is my fav. A soft vision.

Mommy Emily said...

how do you see it? feelings, in fruit?

and this is so true, in the woman especially: a merging of emotion, and all we can do is pray God ciphers through it and makes sense of everything. love you dear elaine.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Yes every day is a texture of many things -- some anticipated some unexpected.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

It's interesting how the characters of the two shapes change depending on the angle from which you have taken them - and the possible emotions expressed alter along with them.


P.S. I am no longer posting from Pictures Just Pictures but from Message in a Milk Bottle instead.


Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

It's interesting how the characters of the two shapes change depending on the angle from which you have taken them - and the possible emotions expressed alter along with them.


P.S. I am no longer posting from Pictures Just Pictures but from Message in a Milk Bottle instead.


Unknown said...

Mom, your musings really resonated with me this morning. See you soon!

spread your wings said...

so expressive. you who say you are a woman of few words - write beautifully and with such emotion. there's a sensual quality about this.

Meri said...

I love the perspective and the interplay of light and shadow in the third one down.

Clare B said...

I've enjoyed reading all the comments to your musings, nodding my head, pausing to think - such a wonderful treat to visit your post a little later than usual and read other thoughts and see where they lead mine.

kat evans said...

Wonderful contrast between two
very similar shapes. Beautiful
words too. But of course. :D

Relyn Lawson said...

my feelings perch on the same sill

Love, love, love that line.

~Kristina said...

Such a bittersweet and melancholic reminder.
A perfect sigh to the day.

Unknown said...

And they would taste so good together ... Sliced, a little basil, a little sea salt, a little balsamic .......

mrs mediocrity said...

yes. i love this post. perfect.

GailO said...

Always such a pleasure to come here...

Anonymous said...

i love to seeing what you are seeing and feeling

suzanna said...

i love life through your eyes! i never understand how you convey such beauty through such few words... that is true talent! hope you are well.


Prairie Girl Studio said...

awww ... love the lines ... love the unspoken kindred spirit ...
love you.

Elizabeth Halt said...

so true. everything is so woven together or nestled side by side.

Christine said...

Hopeful words impressed my soul this evening.

Becca said...

Outstanding photographs, and I always love your words that give me something to ponder.

Sarah Knight said...

Beautiful shots : )

patty said...

reminds me of a husband and wife. i don't know why. they just seem to intimate together.. . :)