DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

missing place

at the


she did
not have
to leave


d smith kaich jones said...

ahh, the missing place. the window, your heart. xoxo

Unknown said...

oh, my heart hears yours. so soon?

and I love the photo you linked to of your daughter.

ELK said...

yes ..
she has a job to return to . it went by fast . never an easy goodbye

Anonymous said...

Oh...so sorry that her visit was too short. Love the first image!!!

Country Girl said...

The handle forms half a heart.

* sigh *

Mary said...

*sigh* so lovely... it's so hard to let them go, isn't it?

Cindy said...

Elk, you made me think of my Mom, we only had 3 days with her at Christmas. The Time went by so quickly. I don't have kids but I know that feeling of leaving. Hope you have a beautiful New Year.

Jewels said...

why does it go so fast?

Joan Elizabeth said...

I don't have children but as I reached the age Mum was when I left home I began to understand the longing she was feeling. You express it so well.

Anika said...

This is so beautiful...

S. Etole said...

your beautiful heart is showing ...

Judy said...

I totally understand. I hate good-byes.

Char said...


Kolleen said...

loves to you and yours.
mine will be grown and flying off before i know it.


Elizabeth Halt said...

So soon? Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

big sigh for you elk, mine are still teeny and near yet i felt your heartache from here. i know my time will come and far too soon at that. much love, friend.

rjerdee said...

I know the feeling...all too well. You're not alone in the sensation...

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

I'm sorry that she has to leave so soon. I'm sending hugs!

joyce said...

As I near that stage of life, my heart aches and I don't think I will be able to handle saying good bye to my kids. It is a beautiful picture of her.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, so sad. Sometimes I wish it was like the "old days," when people pretty much stayed in the same place they were born and so did all their families.

sherri said...

I know that feeling. This one brought tears.

Mommy Emily said...

oh, sweet heart,
this pulled