it has become faded in flowers . a hue that whispers about times of comfort . nothing fancy
strong ivory stitches one beside the other . straight in their own way . a path of thread

afternoon spent flapping in the breeze in anticipation of that "just off the line" aroma ...

soft cream fabric on the one side with "XOXO 1997" embroidered in navy

created by my mom so many years ago . although that "just yesterday" feel remains as my hand rests there

a reminder of all of you here ... my "quilt of friends" each a different square . color . flower
who stay for a moment wrapped in this space

afternoon spent flapping in the breeze in anticipation of that "just off the line" aroma ...

soft cream fabric on the one side with "XOXO 1997" embroidered in navy

created by my mom so many years ago . although that "just yesterday" feel remains as my hand rests there

a reminder of all of you here ... my "quilt of friends" each a different square . color . flower
who stay for a moment wrapped in this space