DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

a few


receive a word if you need it...add a word if you care to


Kellee said...

Oh that is absolutely wonderful. Thank you!

Mrs. E said...

Love this! I'll add the word: Enjoy! (Which I always do when I'm here!

Sue said...


Dagmar said...

Happy is what I long to add. Each of these are presious to me dear ELK thanks for remembering me.

Judy @ daily yarns said...

I'll take them all.

patty said...

"peace"... always my favorite!

Unknown said...

You just wrote all over my day. so yes, received. Thank you .

kat evans said...


Wonderful words Elk!

Tracy said...

JOY...my most favorite word! LOVE comes next... :o) Happy Week, Elk ((HUGS))

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

Great words! Joy is my favorite!

beth said...

patience-love-understanding-warmth-desire-dream...oops, I got carried away :)

JoLyn said...

Great words--and I love how you presented them. A great way to start a Monday and a new month!

spread your wings said...

what a great idea. i like them all. Believe is my favorite for today.

Char said...

gorgeous...all of them

S. Etole said...

embrace ...

MaryAnn Ashley said...


Jewels said...

Awesome words Elk!

Ange said...

Poise ... silence ... pure.
beautiful Elk - as always.

SE'LAH... said...

always adding LOVE.

what a nice journey.


e.o.w. said...

I love the way you've engaged with these words and then shared them with us! The pen, and thread, and bars of music truly breathe new life into them.

d smith kaich jones said...

blessings. as in what your words always are.

Renee Howell said...

FS2 (fiscal stability for schools) - I'm in my left brain world today.

Gigi Thibodeau said...

These words were just what I needed. I'll add hope.

Thanks for sharing such beauty. xo Gigi

Country Girl said...

*** widely smiling ***

nancy neva gagliano said...

grinning, laughing,
carried away.

Meri said...

Blessings. Comfort.

GailO said...

I love all of these words elk...Thank you for this...

Anonymous said...

I'd like all of them, please. "Imagine" is what you do. And "create," of course.

Joan Elizabeth said...

You have a very special way with words ... joy is my choice.

Marcie said...

Breathe!! I'd add the word breathe!!

Mary said...

lovely, simply lovely!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

I especially love the order you placed the words in. You set the tone for my day. Thanks!

annamaria potamiti said...

Annamaria xx

koralee said...

Love all these beautiful words today! xoxo

Relyn Lawson said...

Wow! Look at you over here. This new site is amazing. I'm so impressed. Congrats. And, oh, what wonderful words. I'll take peace today, please.

suvarna mollerup said...

I'll take Peace and Joy and I'll give you Laughter and Friendship.

Anonymous said...

fantastic words I love it

Elizabeth Halt said...
