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heart & home


"A person's world is only as big as their heart"


"The heart is the first feature of working minds"

since the beginning of school in September "MondayMoments" features quotes and photos to start students, parents and teachers in a positive way.
Have a wonder filled day!

here is one featuring the 3R's

the quotes are by Tanya A Moore and Frank Lloyd Wright


Anonymous said...

I love your photos and quotes of inspiration on Mondays!

spread your wings said...

beautiful quotes and images - wonderful way to start my monday. thank you.

(i love those little figurines. i have this one as well.)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

this really resonates with me today. i dealt with lots of difficult workers who do not have very big hearts today and it always takes lots of energy to dig up their humanity to enter a negotiation in a friendly manner.

in that respect your job is so special. seldom do children not have hearts filled with kindness.

Toni said...

I love your Monday Moments and today's is no different. You have a wonder filled day, too! =)

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Such an inspiration

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I love coming here for your wonderful messages.....always something new to discover!

Maybe I should start participating with you :)

Anonymous said...

that is a perfect quote to start out my week! i have some of these lovely angels in my office, one for courage, one for compassion. this one is most certainly love :)

Anonymous said...

hey ELK, got your card. Thanks.

Kelly Sauer said...

ELK, thanks for your comment on "Softly to the Shore" - you have no idea how desperately I needed the walk on the beach that brought that shot about... I appreciate your checking in and commenting on my photo blog.

Char said...

I love the change in DOF and focus in these shots. great quotes. these little angels are always so sweet.

namesconnie said...

Cute little angel and quote. Sincerely, Connie and thanks for visiting my site and your kind comment, too.

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

Beautiful! I love the new header! Gorgeous processing!

GailO said...

Beautiful sentiments to start the week ...Thanks!
Love your new header and format...
I have to ask...what format do you use to get your images so large?

christina said...

I adore these quotes. I collect these statues of love.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to my 3Rs ELK, and for always visiting and encouraging me :)

Suvarna said...

these little angels are so sweet I have a couple of pieces by this artist and I love them so. Wonderful words to live by.

Umā said...

my mom collects angels and has some of these. lovely photos and quotes!

Relyn Lawson said...

I love that first quote especially. One of my favorites is this: The work of home is love made visible. No idea who said it or where the idea came from, but the sentence has been in my head for years.