DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

Magnetic Heart

fallen magnet
on the family refrigerator
not quite sure how long
years I'm sure


on the tile floor
nothing monumental

how do you mend a broken heart

just a reminder
take care

of your heart



Donna Gotlib said...

Yes, we should definitely watch out for our hearts. What a very precious post.

Also, thank you for MAKING MY DAY. When I woke this morning and read that you are teaching your kids the cupcake sway, I felt extra special. What a fun thing to read! I hope they like it.

Donna (Cookie Sunshine)

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Can you glue it?! I do get your point, and it's a good one.

spread your wings said...

clever as always. Happy Love Thursday!!
hey does your daughter come home this weekend?

christina said...

Aww... can it be saved??

Happy L.T.

Anonymous said...

That is very good advice. Happy LT!

Anonymous said...

by all means...bring that bright little bird by for a cup of peppermint tea.! bring mittens though....it's chilly

Leacayoungart said...

uh oh. nice shot of the shatter though.

Sherry said...

Beautiful advice ... and such a pretty magnet. Even if it's not a monumental tragedy, it's always upsetting when something we like breaks or is lost.

Anonymous said...

Oh!! Glue, glue my friend, fix it. :)

Happy LT to you.
P.S Have a wonderful weekend with your little girl

Anonymous said...

oh, definitely~glue! But we all must take your point to heart.

thekreativelife said...

This is good advice for us all! And I'm with everyone else . . . glue that baby back together, a broken heart can always be mended. It just takes a little patience and time.

Jeana Marie said...

hello - this is so thoughtful and good advice as well - happy love thurs!