DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

stay awhile

easy chair

be blessed with sunshine ~ soft shadows ~ and full chairs around the table.


Elizabeth Harper said...

I love the way you see detail in what could easily be overlooked. I'm going to make a point to look for the unusual image that may be hiding in plain sight.

Thank you too for the kindness in your comment yesterday. It made a huge difference and helped me as I worked to refocus my energy.

spread your wings said...

This made me smile.
I love shadows.

Meadowlark Days said...

such lovely photos! don't you love seeing shadows on the floor? and i dig your cloud photos this week!

Sherry said...

I love that you captured this every day moment -- a joy in the day!

Technodoll said...

Yes, and yes. All the good things life are made of :-)

Jewels said...

Nice shadows which means something else is nice nearby...

Anonymous said...

that looks so family-kitchenish with the sun on the tiles and the shadow of a potted plant! i am imagining you enjoying your bird being home :)

AscenderRisesAbove said...

aw very pretty

donna said...

You have an amazing eye for detail. There was a post over at shutter sisters about seeing beauty in the mundane. You really have a knack for it!

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, this is beautiful. Everyone else already said it, but I agree. It takes a true love of beauty to find it everywhere - even in shadows on a kitchen floor.

Anonymous said...

Yowzas~ Great eye! I really enjoy all your photos and accompanying words. :)

Leacayoungart said...

nice capture!

*jean* said...

a lovely photo and beautiful sentiment....truly a blessing

georgia b. said...

i love this picture!
i just posted some shadow pics.